Table of Contents
Why should I join Redditch Model Railway Club ?Railway modelling clubs bring together people interested in the hobby so that everyone can benefit from sharing their skills, knowledge and experience with others. It enables us to build layouts much more ambitious and complex than can usually be achieved by working 'home alone'. Redditch Model Railway Club is the longest – established Club in the Worcestershire area. Our Clubroom offers the facilities to build the largest of layouts and our members have the know-how to build them to the highest standards. This is the answer to the question. Back to TopHow often does the club meet ?We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:15pm until 10.00pm, throughout the year. Back to TopWhere are the Clubrooms ?On one of the town’s Industrial Estates that is accessible from anywhere in the town and the surrounding area. Back to TopWhat scales and gauges are catered for at the Club ?Mainly 4mm scale but we do have 7mm scale modellers within the group. Back to TopDo I have to be a skilled modeller to join ?No. Whilst many of our members are very skilled modellers, we welcome new members whether they are accomplished modellers or complete novices. Willingness to join in and learn is the key. Back to TopDo I have to own my own locomotives and rolling stock ?All the layouts are owned by the Club, whilst the stock which runs on them is owned by members. You would be given help and advice to ensure that any locos or rolling stock items you buy or own are suitable for the layout you intend to run them on. Back to TopDoes the Club have a layout permanently set up ?No. The space in our Club rooms is more productively used for the construction and improvement of our exhibition layouts. We do however have a test track which is a available for members to use to run their stock Back to TopHow much does membership cost ?Membership is currently £50 per year, payable each April. Anyone joining after October can pay £25. There is also a £3 per week attendance payment. Back to TopCan I come along and try it out before I commit myself to joining ?Yes. You are welcome to come to meet the Members and look over the Clubrooms for up to two weeks before you decide whether or not to join. However, please don’t abuse this. As a member we are more than happy to advice on your own modelling project/layout but don’t expect to use us as a free advice service with no intention of joining the Club. Back to TopWhat is the minimum age for joining ?As we are based in industrial premises we have to abide by Health and Safety Regulations and so the minimum age is 16. Back to TopHow can I contact to find out more before I come down to the Club rooms?e-mail us on enquiry[at]redditch-mrc.com. You will need to replace the [at] with an @ to make the e-mail address work. Back to Top |