31451/2/3/4/5 N963/4/5/6SOS
A need for more double deck vehicles to operate school contracts has led First Wyvern to acquiring more double deck vehicles from First Glasgow in the shape of N965/6SOS. They basically similar to the L16xUNS batch of vehicles that were acquired during 2004 from Glasgow. Both vehicles require remedial work before they enter service and are currently in store at Worcester Garage. A further vehicle (31452) from the same batch arrived at Worcester in early October 2005 and is in store at Worcester. 31452 was joined in store by 31451 in December 2005. 31451/2/3 were store at Worcester and in January 2006 were all sold to First Northampton without being used by First Wyvern. 31452 and 31455 were reacquired from First Northampton in preparation for the start of the new school term in September 2006.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
N962SOS | 31451 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RL 9529/19 | H47/32F | N/A | Not used Sold to First Northampton 1/06 - sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 4/11 | Barbie3 |
N963SOS | 31452 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RL 9529/20 | H47/32F | Sept 06 | Not used Sold to First Northampton 1/06 - re-acquired in 8/06 - withdrawn 2/3/13 sold to Diamond | Barbie2 |
N964SOS | 31453 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RL 9529/21 | H47/32F | N/A | Not used Sold to First Northampton 1/06 - sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 4/11 | Barbie3 |
N965SOS | 31454 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RL 9529/22 | H47/32F | Nov-05 | Withdrawn 8/07 Sold to First Northampton 8/07 - sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 4/11 | Barbie3 |
N966SOS | 31455 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RL 9529/23 | H47/32F | Nov-05 | Withdrawn - Sold to First Northampton 6/06 - reacquired in 8/06 - allocated to Worcester then Northampton 4/08 re-acquired in 8/08 - sold for scrap 8/09 | Barbie3 |
31553 E127DRS
In July 2008 First Wyvern acquired E127DRS from First Aberdeen as a replacement for L168UNS (31380) which was withdrawn during July 2008. E127DRS is part of nine vehicle batch that were being operated by First Aberdeen (E122-131DRS) 31548 - 31557 All are dual door Leyland Olympians. During early August 2008 the vehicle moved to Worcester Garage to undergo work to make it fit for service in September 2008. Part of the work involved rectification of four PG9 defect notices. The vehicle entered service at Worcester during October 2008 as a spare vehicle but spent most of the time of the road with mechanical problems
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
E127DRS | 31553 | Volvo Olympian Alexander RH54/4387/3 | H49/29D | Oct-08 | Withdrawn October 2010 - Sold to PVS Charlton on 23rd November 2011 for scrap | Barbie2 |
32066/7 KP51VZO/R
In 2002 First Leicester took delivery of 34 new Alexander ALX400 bodied Volvo B7L double deckers for use on their City services. The vehicles continued to operate in the city until 2015 when following the arrival of new vehicles some of the existing buses were cascaded to other First Group companies. Two surprisingly ended up at Worcester, 32066 and 32067, numerically the first of the batch.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
KP51VZO | 32066 | Volvo B7L ALX400 | H47/27F | September 2015 | Withdrawn August 2021 - sold to First Potteries | First Urban |
KP51VZR | 32067 | Volvo B7L ALX400 | H47/27F | June 2015 | Withdrawn August 2021 - sold to First Potteries | Barbie3 |
32627/44/5/6 KP54KAO/AZG/L
KP54KAO arrived at Worcester from Leicester in September 2011 in exchange for single deck KX05MGY that went in the opposite direction. With changes to school bus requirements at both Redditch and Worcester garages from September 2011 33404 and 33405 moved from Worcester back Redditch and KP54KAO was moved to Worcester to maintain 3 low floor double decker at Worcester. KP54KAO was part of a batch of 24 split initially between Northampton, Bath and Leicester garages with 9 at Northampton, 3 at Bath and the remainder at Leicester. At the time other than the one at Worcester 2 were still at Northampton, the 3 that were at Bath had moved to Western super Mare and the remainder were at Leicester. After the arrival at Worcester KP54KAO spent most of it's time on the service 144. With the requirement for two double deckers at Hereford for the start of the School year in September 2013 32644 and 32646 were loaned to Worcester from Leicester. This was to cover for 33042 and 33043 which were loaned to Hereford Garage whilst the planned vehicles 32852 and 32854 were prepared for service. 32646 was withdrawn on 20th February 2023 on expiry of its MOT and was replaced by 37147 which was transferred from First Cymru. Similarly when the MOT on 32645 expired on 26th May 2023 this was replaced by 37148 again transferred from South Wales, 32644 was finally withdrawn from Worcester depot on Friday 26th April 2024 as the MOT on the vehicles was about to expiry. 32644 had the distinction of being the last vehicle in everyday service running in the Barbie livery.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
KP54KAO | 32627 | Volvo B7R | H47/27F | September 2011 | Sold to First PMT 9/12. | Barbie3 |
KP54AZG | 32644 | Volvo B7R | H47/27F | September 2013 | Withdrawn 26th April 2024 | Barbie3 |
KP54AZJ | 32645 | Volvo B7R | H47/27F | January 2021 | Withdrawn 8/23 - Sold for scrap | Barbie3 |
KP54AZL | 32646 | Volvo B7R | H47/27F | September 2013 | Withdrawn 20/2/23 - Sold to PVS for scrap 8/23 | Leicester City Transport |
Livery : Barbie 3 - was the last version of the original corporate Firstgroup livery for all vehicles which is a modified version of the original Barbie livery First Urban is the latest corporate livery (The dates in brackets are when the vehicle was last repainted).
34123/4/5/6 - K123/4/5/6URP
In early August 2002 Volvo double deck bus number 123 K123URP arrived at Redditch Garage from sister Company First Northampton. The plan was to use this and a number of other vehicles from First Northampton on the A1 and A2 Alcester Grammar School services, which required duplication when the current Leyland Lynx vehicles were used. Driver training took place at Redditch throughout August with a view to introducing the vehicles when the school re-opened in September. Unfortunately during the testing of the vehicle it was found that a number of trees on the routes that were to be used needed cutting back and the Company failed to get the County Council to carry out the work. First Northampton were short of double deck vehicles for their own school commitments and the vehicle returned south without being used in service by First Wyvern. The A1 and A2 services continued to be operated by Leyland Lynx vehicles and as part of a general review of school services in January 2003 they have become County Council school contracts rather than operating as normal local bus services. Interestingly as some of the tallest vehicles to be built as they have under floor engines it was even impossible to use them on the 57/8/9 group of services where double deck buses were in regular use 10-years ago again because of low trees. In November 2005 the vehicle arrived back with First Wyvern and is currently allocated to Kidderminster Garage for use on school services operated by that garage. Both vehicles are used on the "Green School Bus Services" which are contract school services for King Edwards VI High School, Five Ways at Bartley Green in South Birmingham. For this contract both vehicles were repainted into the Green School Bus livery during April 2005. In preparation for the start of the new school term in September 2006 K126KRP arrived from Northampton. 34123 returned to First Northampton in September 2008. Following the withdrawal of 34289 from Redditch in January 2010 34123 moved back to Redditch garage in February 2010.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
K123URP | 34123 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | Nov-05 | Withdrawn - Moved back to First Northampton 9/08 - return to Redditch 2/10 - withdrawn 2/3/13 sold to Diamond |
GBS (4/06) |
K124URP | 34124 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | Feb-06 | Withdrawn - Moved back to First Northampton 9/08 sold 5/11 for scrap ? | GBS (4/06) |
K125URP | 34125 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | March-06 | In Store 9/10 - Sold to First PMT at Crewe from 9/10. Following withdrawal of 32854 vehicle back at Worcester 12/9/14 | Barbie 2 |
K126URP | 34126 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | September-06 | withdrawn 2/3/13 sold to Diamond | Barbie 2 |
Livery Key : Barbie 2 - Non low floor corporate Firstgroup livery known as "Barbie2" All three vehicles arrived with First Wyvern in Barbie2 livery. Note 34125 lacked the pink fading on the lower deck. GBS - Green School Bus livery
34285/7/8/9 P185/7/8/9TGD
With an increase in Warwickshire County Council school contract work from the start of the Summer term in 2005 First acquired two more double deckers for their Evesham garage in March 2005. These vehicles P187TGD and P189TGD were new to Strathclyde in 1996 (now First Glasgow). The vehicles were part of a batch of 60 vehicles delivered between May and October 1996. They took the feet numbers VO44-103 (N944-73SOS & P174-204TGD). P187TGD now 34287 originally had the feet number VO87 and P189TGD now 34289 had the original fleet number VO89. Both originally entered service in September 1996. In common with many Glasgow double deckers the vehicles have a plated over rear emergency exit window on the upper deck. Whilst both vehicles are in Barbie2 livery they are none the less in a fairly scruffy state and have had the minimum amount of preparation before entering service. On Tuesday 4th October 2011 First Midland Red acquired two more vehicles from the batch from First Essex. These are 34285 and 34288. 34288 entered service on Monday 10th October 2011 at Worcester
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
P185TGD | 34285 | Volvo Olympian Alexander 9529/42 | H47/32F | 31st October 2011 | Withdrawn 10/12 - transferred to First Potteries 10/12 | Barbie3 |
P187TGD | 34287 | Volvo Olympian Alexander 9529/44 | H47/32F | April-05 | Withdrawn 8/07 Sold to First Northampton 8/07 - sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 4/11 | Barbie 2 |
P188TGD | 34288 | Volvo Olympian Alexander 9529/45 | H47/32F | 10th October 2011 | Withdrawn - sold to First Potteries 8/12 | Barbie3 |
P189TGD | 34289 | Volvo Olympian Alexander 9529/46 | H47/32F | April-05 | Withdrawn - sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 4/11 | Barbie2 |
36241/2 BN12WPA/D
36241 and 36242 are part of a 60 vehicle order First Group made in 2012 (36221-36280). The vehicles were initially allocated to the Games Transport Division for us on the 2012 London Olympics transport contract that First Group had. At the end of the games the vehicles moved to their allocated subsidiary which in the main was First West Yorkshire for use around Leeds. A large number of vehicles from batch including the 2 now at Worcester moved to First South Yorkshire at Doncaster. With the Worcester operations now part of a much wider grouping of companies and senior management that includes First South Yorkshire this facilitated the move of the two vehicles to Worcester 2021. Both vehicles arrived on Friday 4th September 2021 and were in service at Worcester on 6th September in readiness or the start of the new school year
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
BN12WPA | 36241 | Volvo B9TL Wrights AG579 | H45/27F | 06/09/21 | Withdrawn 16/9/23 moved to Weston depot | First Urban |
BN12WPD | 36241 | Volvo B9TL Wrights AG580 | H45/27F | 06/09/21 | Withdrawn 14/9/23 moved to Weston depot | First Urban |
37147 YN06URA
37147 started life with First South Yorkshire and was allocated to Olive Grove. It subsequently moved to First Glasgow. In 2019 the vehicle moved again to South Wales to join the First Cymru fleet and ended up in the Swansea allocation operating mainly school services. During the early part of 2023 a number of Alexander Dennis E400 MMCs were transferred from First West Yorkshire to the South Wales fleet making the older Wright Gemini-bodied Volvo B7TLs surplus. With the impending expiry of the MOT on 32646 it was demined to be not cost effective to do the necessary work on the vehicle for a fresh MOT and so it was withdrawn and 37147 joined the First Worcester fleet in February 2023 and entered service on Monday 27th February 2023.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation | Livery |
YN06URA | 37147 | Volvo B7R | H47/27F | 27/02/23 | Withdrawn 4th August 2023 | First Urban |
38083/5/97 - F83/5XBD/J297GNV
In early October 2002 First Wyvern was experiencing overloading problems on the school service S40 which operates from Worcester Bus Station to Dyson Perrins High School and so vehicle 283 F83XBD a Volvo B10M double deck vehicle similar to 123 was transferred from First Northampton to Worcester. Following a period of storage and driver training the vehicle entered service at Worcester Garage after the half-term school holidays on Monday 4th November 2002. The vehicle kept its First Northampton fleet number of 283 and became the first Volvo vehicle ether Wyvern West or First Wyvern had ever operated in service. In March 2004 the vehicle was given the national fleet number 30083. F83XBD is actually only on loan to First Wyvern from First Northampton. 30083 was withdrawn by First Wyvern after service on Friday 28th May 2004 and the vehicle returned to Northampton. During August 2007 38085 and 38097 were acquired for use on school work for the start of the Autumn 2007 term.
Registration Number | Fleet Number | Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Date into Service | Current Allocation |
F83XBD | 38083 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | 04-Nov-02 | Withdrawn 28-5-04 - transferred to Northampton - sold to PVS Carlton for scrap April 2011 |
F85XBD | 38085 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | Sept 07 | Withdrawn 7/09 -due a sized engine and sold to PVS Charlton for scrap 8/09 |
J297GNV | 38097 | Volvo B10M Alexander | CH47/35F | Sept 07 | Withdrawn and transferred back to First Northampton 10/08 where it reentered service and was withdrawn 10/10 |